Friday, May 3, 2013

MOOCs: Campus Conversation

Another campus discussion is forming on MOOCs and our institution's role.  This is the story I am working on for our campus.
Discussion on the Educause CIO list indicates that CIOs have a lot to say about MOOCs and educational delivery through technology.  Many thoughtful ideas were shared as to whether MOOCs are disruptive technology or another avenue of pedagogical evolution.  Much discussion occurred about whether this is a technological issue or a pedagogical issue.   
I am drawn to recent comments from retiring NASA CIO Linda Cureton about her experiences learning about leadership from Gloria Parker, former HUD CIO:

  • There is the technical component like the enterprise architecture delivery.
  • There is a leadership component. You have to learn to interface with the executive ranks of the agency and balancing the demands of OMB with the mission.
  • There is the people component. You need to develop people skills to persuade, cajole and begs with folks to accomplish your agenda.  (1)

There is a technical component, a leadership component, and a people component to the MOOC discussion.  Governance processes are needed with the transition to MOOC delivery, just as with all our campus technology culture changes.  I note the best and brightest CIO minds shared a terrific amount of information that should be shared as our campuses look at new directions.  I took all of the CIO discussion to date and tried to turn statements and concerns into questions suitable for our academic leadership and governance mechanisms.  We have created a strong list of questions that can be used to open discussion.

Our questions:   

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